I was raised by overprotective grandparents in a very sheltered environment. They tried their very best to protect my thoughts and my heart. So growing up, I did not understood the biases made by certain people because of my religion. Believe it or not, I still don't get it. The world is under attack by people who use religion as an excuse for their violent acts. What hurts me most is the selective humanity. When Paris was attacked (my thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent lives taken senselessly, may God grant their families patience and strength), it becomes a worldwide concern. But when Syria, Palestine go thru the same struggle on a daily basis, my social media timeline, unfortunately, is quiet. Less use of the hashtags, no changing your profile photo into a Syrian/Palestinian to show love and support.. nothing.
I don't understand a lot of things around the world but I know I can trust Him.
A poem by Karuna Ezara Parikh
Later that night, I held an Atlas in my lap and ran my fingers across the whole world and whispered,
"Where does it hurt?"
It answered,
~Warsan Shire